Future of the Blog and my plans

Hello everybody,

This post is one of the few on this blog, which will be in English. I know some of my readers aren’t capable of speaking German, so those posts are directed to the English speakers. I’m not quite sure if there will be a lot of posts in English, but if I look ahead I think the future of this blog is in English, because I’m planning on combining my youtube channel and this blog.

Anyways, this post is about the things I will do while I’m in Japan. At first, I have to learn Japanese. I will visit a language school for around 12 weeks. I’m pretty sure after that short time, I won’t be able to speak Japanese that good. So, I can’t just rest and relay on the 12 weeks at the language school, I have to practice in every possible situation.
After these 12 weeks, I will search for a job. I think the Organization which helped me to book this journey will also help me to find a job.

I will also visit some of the people I know through youtube. Other things I plan to do are, a stay in Tokio, Shizuoka, Kobe and Kyoto. I’ts pretty hard to know what I will do exactly, because it’s still one year till my stay.

I know this entry is pretty short, but I promise longer ones will follow.

So thank you for reading, everyone. 🙂